Thursday, 15 November 2007

Why Gordon Will Not Accept That We Need “British Law for British Judges”

Chairman of the European Foundation, Bill Cash MP, told the Prime Minister in the House of Commons yesterday that “the whole question of the protection of the public from terrorism is often jeopardised by judicial interpretation of the Human Rights Act and European law generally” and in order for him to “achieve his aim of the protection of the public we need British law for British judges and British judges for British law”.

Brown swiftly brushed Cash aside with the arbitrary claim that: “…whatever his [Bill Cash’s] doubts about European law might be it has not prevented us from deporting up to 4,000 people from this country, and nor has it prevented us from deporting a large number of people to within the European Union.” Sadly, Brown’s alleged control of the situation is not the national reality for the protection of Britons from terrorists or serious criminals.

There is no guaranteed protection for Britons from serious crime and terrorism within the current remit of the Human Rights Act and European law. This is a pitiful remark from Gordon Brown, since outside of Parliament the widow of Philip Lawrence now faces the national reality of Brown’s true European principles. A High Court judge has refused the government request to reconsider a tribunal's decision, based on a European directive, to prevent Lawrence’s murderer being deported to Italy. It is said that Learco Chindamo, the murderer of London headteacher Philip Lawrence, could be released from prison next year. The judge of the case openly declared his decision was mainly based on an EU directive and that it would seem "disproportionate" to remove the murderer, as an EU citizen, under the given European regulations.

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