Friday, 30 November 2007

Lord Howell: Denial over EU Constitution is a Waste of Time

Lord Howell of Guildford said in the House of Lords on 22 November:

"Regardless of whether we have a referendum — I suspect that we probably will in the end, now that 12 heads of member states, all the authors of the previous treaty and some authors of the present treaty concede that this is 90 or 95 per cent similar to the constitution and contains all the European constitution treaty provisions—is it still government policy to go on denying that this is a constitutional treaty? That might be rather a waste of time when everyone agrees that it is."

It sends a clear message to the Government: the denial over the EU Constitution is a waste of time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gordonized and brown-mailed? Find an alternative in voting YES or NO to Free Europe Constitution at!